
Lloydscare and Support Services (LCSS) specialises in providing accommodation and support to young people in London and the Home Counties, aged 16-21 years old and who are in need of developing skills to successfully live independent lives.

LCSS is an independent provider delivering a person centred 24-hour semi-independent living service to young people needing low, medium, and high support needs.  Our service users include:

  • Looked after Young People
  • Young People Leaving Care
  • Unaccompanied children looked after by the Local Authorities.
  • Young expectant mothers and mothers with babies.
  • Children caught up in the youth criminal justice system.

LCSS is owned and managed by a team of dedicated and experienced childcare practitioners. We are an independent organisation with specialist knowledge and expertise in working with Children and Young People including Care Leavers.

Our background include working within Local Authority Children Social Services Departments. Many of our Keyworkers have experience of working as Youth Workers in community-based groups and as Mentors in schools.

Our staff team assess our service users’ daily lives to establish their level of independence and the areas requiring support. The level of support provided will be increased or decreased as required to meet individual needs.

Every young person residing within our semi-independent homes are afforded the opportunity to participate in our in-house training sessions to prepare them for independent lives. We also encourage and support our service users in accessing employment, education, or external training.

We utilise key working sessions to help our service users build up skills in areas that require extra provision until a safe level of independence is achieved and residents can then be supported in the transition to their own home.