Our Services
Lloydscare and Support Services (LCSS) provides services for young people aged 16 – 21, with low, medium or high support needs. We provide the following services:
- Supported accommodation
- Individual personal support
- Daily life skills development
- Waking and sleeping night service.
- Outreach and floating support
LCSS staff work in partnership with the Local Authorities, and are therefore, able to provide accommodations and support packages that meet your specific requirements. This could include identifying a new unit in your area that meets the specific needs of a young person or group of young people.
Our existing accommodations are attractive, fully furnished homes in quiet residential areas. We believe that by placing young people in ‘quiet’ residential areas with a strong sense of community, we are encouraging them to be peaceable good neighbours, and hopefully, providing them with positive role models around them.
Our High Support residences are family homes, for a maximum of 4 young people sharing, providing a secure homely environment for our young people. Our aim is to enable these young people to become more self-sufficient and independent, and with this in mind, we also provide ‘move on’ flats as a transition from our high support units which gives them more independence while still providing appropriate support and monitoring.
Individual Personal Support
Each young person is allocated a member of staff who will take a lead role as a designated key worker. Careful consideration will be given to this allocation and all possible attempts will be made during the referral and planned admission stage to ensure the young person has an opportunity to meet his/her key worker, and thus, begin the process of relationship building and making sure that at the time of any move, they will have a ‘familiar and friendly face’ to support them.
The designated key worker, in consultation with the young person, will develop a support plan based upon the young person’s assessed need. The key worker will also support the young person to maintain any links he may have with other agencies involved directly or indirectly with his or her care. The designated key worker will be expected to meet regularly with the young person and all plans, aims and objectives will be discussed to ensure that progress is monitored and that all issues are addressed in a focussed and clear fashion with particular reference to the young person’s individual level of understanding and needs.
We work closely with the service user and supporting agencies to facilitate a successful move on into local authority accommodation or the private rented sector. At least three months of outreach/floating support is provided to ensure our service users settle into their ‘move on’ accommodation.